Feather Forge Fly Co.

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The A&W gang

No matter what Canadian town you go to, no matter what location. If you go to an A&W most hours of the day especially, the am, you will see the gathering of the A&W gang. I spend some time in A&W, the food is good and cheap. They’ve got a great breakfast, easily the best of any fast food joint. It’s usually pretty clean and consistent as fast food gets. The "W" also has Free WIFI so I can blog, bank, email etc.

It may be farmers, factory workers, guys from the mill but they are always there, smiling, grinding each other's gears and catching up. Today they have some of the usual suspects. The Comedian, the loud guy, the ring leader, the grumpy guy, the man of few words, the instigator, the doubter, the story teller, the bullshitter, the one liner guy, the occasional guy, and the one upper. There’s the guys who still work a bit and the retired ones. It's great to see, watch them interact and I hope to maybe join them one day.

I think I sat in their zone today. One guy came in and stood by the door for a while perplexed. If not for his kind face I could maybe think he was making his final decision whether to rob the place or not. It didn't make sense at the time, but when he came and sat right next to me in an empty restaurant while I was on a call I didn’t quite know what was up. I figured at the end of my call I was going to be his ear. Before I got off the call, some others had joined him and now I am surrounded.

They seem like they have settled into their norm at their new seating arrangement as I sit here plunking on my keyboard writing about them.

the good old boys . . . . . . love it.