Feather Forge Fly Co.

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Welcome Back

Rolled into Terrace in just enough time to see the spectacular sunset. It was cold but clear and an excellent day for driving. I would have rathered been one of the ones ripping alongside the Highway on the sled. That’s fine, everything has its time.

Another Provincial Pilgrimage complete and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tired of doing them. That’s 4 in less than a year. No real complaints tho It happened without incident. I’m also not a huge fan of towing in winter.

Its been an amazing holiday, I got to spend some wonderful family time and catch up with a bunch of friends. Its time to get after the flies now. For all of those who have dates for 2020. I’ll be getting your deposit invoices out shortly. For those who don’t have anything on my books you should reach out and see what’s available.