Sitka Ribs

Sitka Ribs

Curiosity caused me to try it first.  Although there isn’t much on them, there is enough to bother.  Historically I’ve just cut them up and used them in our bone stock, not anymore.  I’ve gotten a lot smarter with my game meat over the last couple of seasons.  Although I have a culinary background I hadn’t made the most of some of the cuts in the past.

These ribs were a little bit of work but were worth it and people love them.  First I cut them from the spine with a saw.  I then rolled them and cut them in half perpendicular to the rolled up rack of bones. We had packaged ours in 4’s.   2 sides of ribs, cut in half which made them 4. So we are packaging the ribs of one whole animal.  I applied a rub, heavy of salt and brown sugar, paprika, some onion and garlic powder.  I like to leave them overnight, flipping them and re-rubbing occasionally.  I’ll then cut each slab in half again and put a light sear on the convex side of the rib.  Careful as there is sugar in the rub and its easy to burn.  I then put them in the slow cooker on high for about 5 hours covered in venison stock.   They seem to get better overtime as I’ve been re-using and freezing the braising liquid. 

After removal I’ll put them on cooling racks on trays lined with foil and broil both sides in the oven to dry them off a little and give them some colour.  I then smear them with some sweet chilli sauce on both sides and repeat the broiling till the sauce is bubbling and sticky.  Throw em back in the slow cooker on warm till you are ready to go and sprinkle with a little bit of coarse salt before serving and  thats it.

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