Spring Steelhead School
2023 DATES
APRIL 10-12 SOLD OUT | APRIL 14-16
| APRIL 18-20 |APRIL 22-25 SOLD OUT
These are winter-run fish that return to rivers close to the coast each spring. Unlike fall run fish they stay in the salt a few extra months as they don’t have quite as far to go to reach their spawning destination. For those anglers willing to brave the conditions this provides an opportunity to access bright, fresh, hot fish on their anadromous journey.
We fell in love with the spring fishing in this area when we witnessed the type of water they hang in. Frequently, the fish are found in water that is only ankle-to-knee deep which means shallow wading & light sink tips. Combine all this with breathtaking scenery, and it makes for a great spring getaway. After a long winter of not swinging flies, it’s the perfect way to scratch your fishing itch.
Although they aren’t always plentiful, they may be the most beautiful and pristine fish that you’ll ever catch. Come fish with us and let us show you the beautiful home we call Skeena Country.
program details
Trip length 3-5 days - this allows enough time to see a variety of water and offers some flexibility in the event of tough weather, water or fishing conditions.
Hotel pick-up and lunch included (hotel recommendations available upon request).
7-8 weight two-handed rods and floating Skagit heads are recommended, as well as a selection of light sink tips and unweighted flies.
Limited dates available.