June Chinook
If you work hard and are lucky. . . . the king rewards.
In British Columbia, we are blessed to still have good runs of Chinook Salmon, and the Chinook is the 'King' of them all. The area we fish for these salmon is within miles of the ocean - they often come in with the tide and can appear in waves. They don't always come easy, but those willing to work hard are often rewarded with experiencing one of the most incredible fish you can catch on a swung fly.
Chinook salmon are my favourite fish to swing for - their raw power never ceases to amaze me. At times they let you think you’re in control of the fight and then suddenly they remind you that you are not.
Just prior to the summer solstice, the days are long at this time of year in the north. The intentional timing of these trips is targeting some of the first arrivals into the system. These are fish of superior strength, aggression and appearance. Come test your grit and that of your equipment.
program details
Trip length 4 days - Due to the physical demands of this fishery the recommended trip length is 4 days.
Hotel pick-up and lunches included (hotel recommendations available upon request).
9-10 weight two-handed rods with intermediate or sinking Skagit heads are recommended, as well as an assortment of heavy sink tips & weighted flies.
Limited dates available (sold out for 2023)