If you don't own these. . . . . you should.

world most comfy pants

Patagonia puff pants are a clothing article that every outdoors person should possess.  Under waders they are warm when you need em and . . . not so bad when you’re exerting.  They slide smoothly inside you waders and you don’t experience the “bunching” or friction that you can sometimes feel when wearing other layers.  I have a tendency to just wear them around wether it’s to the grocery store, puttering around the garage, or on the couch.

They don’t look as if they’d be tough, but I am a couple seasons deep on my first pair and other than some paint splatter I stupidly introduced them too, they look relatively new.  As always puff clothing doesn’t stand up to fire or sparks well (what does). I always thought burn holes and duct tape in the eyes of some gathered street credit in fishing circles.

“My puff jacket has more burns than yours Bro”

get em, wear em, or you’re missing out. . . . . . .   I love em.