Re-kindling of the Blog

Where ya been?

You wanted it, now you’ve got it.  Same terrible Grammar, same incomplete sentences, and same poor spelling.  Just a new venue.

I’ve missed writing the “Chronicles of cod” and for awhile now have flirted with its return.  I’m glad to be starting back into it.  The Chronicles died a slow death over a few seasons and hopefully, this isn’t just another chapter of that old story. I found that the blog was taking up a tremendous amount of my time and was incredibly difficult to maintain during busy guide seasons.  Wrap up those excuses with an overhanging feeling that the internet was destroying fisheries all over and I didn’t want to participate in this.  My obligations to secrecy were greater than my obligation to keep my online diary intact and this all aided in the downfall of the original Chronicles.

I have greatly missed someplace to share my work, experiences, thoughts, opinions, philosophies and going forward I hope to adopt a format that is fitting to share these.  Posts won’t always be in chronological order. I’m going to write when I’m feeling it, and post it when it fits. You may end up reading January in July at times. I’m going to try to make it so pieces that run too long will be broken up over multiple days or dropped and picked up later. I want this to last and in order to do so it can’t take up too much of my time.

Life has been good since my last posting and I have no complaints. I still live in my camper at times, still cook awesome food, still tie lots of flies and spend a good deal of time fishing, and I’m still finding a way to make a living doing the things that I love.

wish me well


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