Dude, Where's my Boat?

Last Spring on the Kitimat there was a large tree down across most of the river.  One morning when a friend and I came around the corner, there was a Watermaster inflatable stuck underneath the Snag.  There's always a sinking feeling associated with a scary sight like this, you just hope everyone was OK. I hopped up on the log and carefully tried to remove the boat from the jam.   This was no easy task, and it took a little while to figure out what had to happen to get it out.  In times like this, you are reminded of the power of water, and I’m sure its occupants we reminded as well.  Anyway, got the boat out and started downstream not knowing what the next step was.  Then there was a backpack.  Again, it was no easy task to retrieve it from a downed tree on the side of the river. Then there was a fishing rod.  It was a total yard sale.  I called the Kitimat RCMP, and they said there was no report of anyone missing or of a lost boat, but they were going to meet us at the takeout.  I really really didn’t want to come around the next bend and see a body.

RCMP questioned us and said they would take the boat and try to find its owner and if it were not claimed after 90 days then it would be mine.  I told them that in a perfect world, everyone was fine and the owner would get their boat back as it could be me in the same situation next time.  I’d of been happy enough to have the boat if no one came back to claim it. 

Found out yesterday that the boat had been claimed and that the owner was unharmed.  Not aware of how the story all went but I’m sure it was a wild ride.  I’m glad that everyone was ok.

I guess one thing to take from this is If you have some sort of incident you should contact local authorities and make them aware of the situation, so no one is out looking for you.

Watermaster in Jam.JPG