Greatest Coffee of all time

I went through the majority of my life having not consumed coffee. I’ve always liked the smell but wasn’t crazy for the drink.  I finally started to partake about 3 years ago when I was on a solo steelhead trip to Haida Gwaii.  I like the routine of it, I like that it’s one more thing to look forward to in the morning.  

Any of you whom had followed the previous Chronicles of Cod would likely recall a chap named “Senor2”   He advised me that adding Coffee to my guiding program would be a hit, and it was.  I use my Jetfoil to boil the water and French press mugs to make the coffee. These mugs are made in Montana by a company called Planetary designs in Montana and after making untold numbers of coffees I began to drink it myself.

I Don’t need It each morning but I do like it for sure.  I very rarely will buy a coffee, or have one prepared any other way.  I one drank a Tim Hortons coffee out of guilt, but let me explain.  I was to go duck hunting with a guy I didn’t know real well.  he had the Dog but I had the gear. to make a long story short, I did the unspeakable and slept in and he had grabbed me a coffee.  I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I was not a coffee drinker. I like my little program of grounds, baileys/or baileys creamer It works for me.

It still remains a hit with my clients and I’ve served up hundreds of them.

Planetary Designs french press mug