
Fool's Paradise

I have just finished reading my first John Gierach book. The fact that I have not read one before is somewhat embarrassing. I’ve long known the popularity of his books and having worked in a fly shop where I’ve likely rang dozens through the register, I’ve never picked one up to read it. Coupled with the fact that the one I just finished was gifted to me several years ago, I feel the was long overdue.

His level of “getting it” appears to be off the chart. When I refer to “getting it,” I feel it would be best summed up by someone who has realistic expectations. Someone who ’s been out there and saw enough days, both good and bad to appreciate the days with lots of fish and to take the ones without in stride, finds value in both and enjoys them equally.

I recently heard John on an interview with Steve Rinella of the “Meat Eater” podcast. He said something in this interview which I will attempt to paraphrase. He spoke of a friend who was a professor, and he was talking about students who had great slang and a way of talking that was entertaining yet when they wrote the sounded like victorian lawyers.

When I heard this, it gave me hope that maybe I can develop my unique way of writing and articulating my speech that might make all my grammatical downfalls more tolerable.

Anyway, read some Gierach books. I’ll be reading more.