My whole world is Steelie Blue
Got steelie blue?
Over time, when you are exposed to things so often, it will begin to appear as the norm. These days anywhere I look in my house there are traces of fly tying materials. I'm sure your home is no different if you are a fly tier and despite our best efforts, fly tying is a messy hobby.
From the thread shards that clog the vacuum brush, the floating marabou fibers, hackle stems, dubbing clumps, tube trimmings, hooks embedded in the carpet, random tungsten bead appearances to the other fly tying related crap I've pulled out of my belly button.
Lately, I've been trying to fill up my steelhead par stock and a lot of todays popular patterns use "Steelie Blue Ice dub" this stuff gets EVERYWHERE. I see it all over my clothes, in my food, my truck, all over my bench (despite my best efforts to eradicate it,) the toilet bowl is common. KK saw some in her workplace office the other day and once reported while "Cleaning up" after the dog in our yard she saw some steelie blue in the dog's feces.
There is one positive thing about the steelie blue though when you see it you know what it is and there is no mistaking it. Some of the other dubbings that I use (STS trilobal in black) look more similar to pubic hair.