Old Guy on a Rock

For those who follow the blog regularly, you may recognize the name “Dr. Kent Davenport” and in an attempt to bring more of a face to the title, here is a picture of him standing on challenge rock. He has been known to take naps there as well.

Like I’ve said in an earlier post ‘He may not be the only Hawaiian steelheader out there, but he is the only one I know." He wears more clothes than the guys in the last week of the season when he is there during the first week. It must be a bit of a shocker tho from roaming around Hawaii in flip flops to freezing your nuts off in waders in some river in Northern BC.

He fishes Bob Clay bamboo, uses a reel that was chewed by a grizzly, has a run on the Babine named after his dad, fishes flies that are shitting an egg and made a lens cap for his camera out of a gatorade cap. I can only imagine the great things he has done in his medical carreer.

Be watching for his upcoming post next wednesday about the hottest hot sauce we can find