A little Cape Breton history

Sydney Steel plant.jpg

I was walking into a spot to fish this winter, and was ascending a small gulley and about to summit, i was at eye level and starring into the coarse gravel railway and a piece of Cape Breton history. "Sydney 1994" on one of the railway rails. I thought to myself "This must have been near the end of rail production in CB" I only just got around to researching it now. I remember hearing the name Sydney Steel, and I knew some peoples who’s Fathers and relatives worked there, it was a big deal in the area for 100 years and at one time produced nearly half of all the steel in Canada.

It was an interesting journey this morning both happy and sad to descend that rabbit hole learning a little bit of history about a place I love and hold dear to me. A pleasant reminder of home.

If you care to know a little more click here. Its a long one but I enjoyed it.