Feather Forge Fly Co.

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Random thoughts while swinging for Steel

Too anxious, too amped and over-caffeinated. I need to chill out. I never catch fish when I’m like this. My stoke level makes me anxious, the caffeine elevates the stoke and one just keeps feeding off the other and my brain is whipped to a froth. I wouldn’t say I need a fish but I undeniably want another pull. It’s as if I’m trying to rush the process and I know better. It’s the kind of time that if I knew run better I’d have to fight the urge too rush right to the deke. There’s a new push of fish in and I’m pretty sure I’ll put it over some that are gonna eat in this pool. I finally calm down and I embrace all the stuff bouncing around in my mind. Ooooh, oh, Wait, wait a minute . . . . . Ok yup, there’s one.