Happy New Year

Myself, Mom and dad at 2020.Polar swim.

Myself, Mom and dad at 2020.Polar swim.

This Holiday has been very busy. Lots of visits with family and friends and not necessarily a lot of work getting done. Now that the new year has arrived, I intend to be a little more regular at posting. That is not a New years resolution because apparently, they aren't cool anymore.

A tradition that is relatively new to our house is the annual Polar bear swim at Port Morien. It's been five years since I was home for the New Year. It may seem crazy to some, but my father and I like to take the dip in the frigid north Atlantic on the first day of the year. Mother keeps saying she just likes to be the spotter but I think she should be getting in the water too. Maybe in 2021. The first time we participated, I seem to recall -10 C and windchill. The years since have seemed much more manageable.

I didn’t stay in too long.

I didn’t stay in too long.

I find the 30 mins leading up to the getting in the water is worse than the water itself.

I find the 30 mins leading up to the getting in the water is worse than the water itself.

The foods of the island play a significant role in my visits back to Cape Breton. I have to take in all the Pizzas, Chinese food and Greasy spoons that I love while I am here for it to feel complete. I must admit I have indulged this year. Happy New year all.