My Grandfathers Shotgun


We live in a changing time. There has never been a time with more access to information and access to "things." I feel incredibly fortunate, I can honestly say there isn't a "thing" in the world that I really really want for that I can't get or have. If I want a new spey rod. . . . . I buy it. If I want a new pair of shoes, gloves, outboard etc etc. Of course I want a 30ft ocean boat but lets not be greedy and be realistic. I can usually have what I want or wait till I'm more flush and then have it.

I think that humans have changed so much in recent years, even in my own lifetime. We have so many possessions now that they don't mean anything to us anymore. Items that used to hold great value to us are just the norm now. The idea of passing on things from generation to generation is fading. The quality of items now (the same ones that were previously passed on) wouldn't hold up to time, even if the nostalgia did. I'm not saying that you can't and we don’t have things that get passed on, but it doesn't seem to be as much of a thing as it once was. I think Handmade items hold stronger meaning and jewellery seems to be a big one.

Guns are one thing that I think holds its generational value. I have wanted this 12 Gauge side by side of my Grandfather Caldwell since I can remember. Its finally been repaired, refinished and I had a chance to shoot it last weekend. Although only at clay targets It was nice to get it out and fire it. I shot two rounds of trap and shot. . . . . less than average, but I'm going to say its a little short for me hahaha.

as you can see It had some rust on it.

as you can see It had some rust on it.

This gun had some hard miles on it.  It has seen some serious saltwater exposure over the years.  It also lived in the rafters of a damp basement for decades after my grandfather quit hunting.

This gun had some hard miles on it. It has seen some serious saltwater exposure over the years. It also lived in the rafters of a damp basement for decades after my grandfather quit hunting.

I’m pretty sure the gun was bought at Sears in Sydney Mines Nova Scotia.

I’m pretty sure the gun was bought at Sears in Sydney Mines Nova Scotia.

From the research I've done the gun is circa 1941.

From the research I've done the gun is circa 1941.

Grampy’s signature green. He used this as one of his boat paint colours. I asked that it not be touched when the guy was refinishing it.

Grampy’s signature green. He used this as one of his boat paint colours. I asked that it not be touched when the guy was refinishing it.