Take my picture.


If you are a Skagit caster, Do yourself a favour (right this second) and take a picture of this picture and label it to your favourites in your phone. At some point, you are going to need it. You'll have the info that you need and you will thank me.

We sometimes forget how big an aid having the grain weights printed on our Skagit heads was until you run into one of the old school ones. A Google search later, you will find your answer but it's still a pain.

By the time I hit the scene, the old Colour placard ones were on their way out. Now every company prints the grain weights right on the heads.

The good thing about Skagit heads is they don't really wear out. Even the early generation of Skagit compact heads still have a place and still cast well, which is more than I can say for the others of that generation, the Skagit "Flight" heads. The new Rio heads are excellent, but I haven't found one of those old peach coloured ones that threw well for me. I think 50% of people had them on backwards tho in Rio's defence.

I hear that Airflo has come out with the 3rd generation of Skagit Compact, and I look forward to trying those out.

Anyway, Take that picture. You may thank me.