When I am my happiest.
Wooly and worn. I present my greatest feast.
I am happiest when I am in the outdoors. I'm happiest when I'm hunting, fishing, guiding, cooking, camping and tying flies. I haven't been hunting or guiding. I've been doing a bit of the remainder of the mentioned tho.
COVID 19 has been and continues to be a complete mess. Separation from loved ones, social contact with friends, an inability to work and great financial losses. These all suck, but amongst all the crap, I have found a great amount of gratitude.
I have never grown a garden, which has been extremely satisfying and I haven't even eaten a salad from it yet. Its something I've always wanted to do but often founds myself too busy or gone too much.
I am a junk food junkie. Knowing what I know about food, you would be surprised at what I will ingest sometimes. I love fast food and COVID has been a good excuse to totally cut it out and only cook wonderful meals from home.
I live in a wonderful place where things grow easily and there are still opportunities to harvest fish and game. No question this is the best crab season I have ever had. I have been gifted my little crab vessel and it has been a champ. I am a bit limited to weather, but I've just had to pick my days, which has assured me that I've only gone out on some of the most beautiful.
Beautiful flat, Low tide morning.
I am reminded of what amazing guests I have. They have been understanding, patient and supportive of the situation we are all in. There have been lots of cancellations, but there is light at the end of the guiding tunnel and I am hoping to start soon. Lots of folks have stepped up and ordered flies or merchandise, which has been a saviour.
I am excited for what is to come. This strange . . . . crisis, break, delay, tragedy, blessing, total mess, reality check or whatever you want to categorize it as will pass. Things will be fine. The time is allowing me to spawn new ideas and strengthen my business. I guess sometimes you need to knock things down to build them back up and make them better. I will be fine, you will be fine, we will all be fine and things will be what they are. I am proud to have been born Canadian and despite all the political tension, interprovincial hatred and foolishness. I am very grateful and proud to be a Canadian.