When less is more


One of my best selling steelhead flies is also one of my most basic. Slender and swimmy it undulates with even the slightest of current movement. It's dumbed down so that it’s easy to cast.

I named it the "snake." Pink snake, Blue snake, Blacksnake. Basic as it is, it drew its inspiration from an even more simplistic tie from the Babine given the handle of "Shlub a dubb."

One material. . . . . Rabbit strip. Tied in as a tail and tag palmered forward as a collar.

My version went with a thinner piece of rabbit, a touch of dubbing, polar chenille, two strands of mirror flash and substituted marabou for the rabbit collar. I went with a string leech approach with a trailing hook oriented a little further back on the rabbit strip. Dead easy and effective. A bit gussied up from the original but still a very simple fly.

I tie them in Pink, Blue/chartreuse and black. I'm sure purple, orange or earth tones would work wonderfully as well.

I just tied up a pile of them, so I have them back in stock and you will soon be able to order them on my online store. In the meantime shoot me a msg to get some.