Dad's Tow Rope
Yeah, yeah….I know you’re not supposed to clip to that.
Sometimes you are reminded of small things that people do for you “incase of”. I am very fortunate to have the father that always liked to see me prepared.
Dad made me a tow rope with some crap he had kicking around back in the late 90’s. I had a 1990 VW Golf diesel at the time and it was on its last legs. Lots of problems with cold starting and more than a few times I rallied a crew to help me push and jump it.
I’ve carried this rope now through 3 other vehicles and used it numerous times to get myself and others out of a bind.
I busted it out today to help tow my severely snowed in boat trailer that I left at a friends place. 2 hours, 1 tow rope, 2 planks, 1 shovel, 1 Ford pick up, 1 rotator cuff, 450 cuss words and my trailer was freed from almost 3 feet of crusty, layered, compact snow.
I suspect that I’ll have this rope my whole life unless someone steals it from me.