Puppy friend hangovers

I speak of our dog a lot, but if you don't like dogs . . . . . I'm not sure it matters to me whether you follow me or not.  I could give you the benefit of a doubt and say that maybe you haven't been exposed to them enough or had a bad experience that caused you to be afraid of them.  In any case, if you don't like dags you should get yourself sorted and enjoy mans best friend.

Kalik has some best puppy friends, One of which is "River"  many of you will know or have heard of river.  She belongs to our good friends Darren Wright and Missy MacDonald owners of the Steelhead House and former co-workers of mine at Babine Norlakes.  We recently Dog sat for them while they were out of town and its a bunch of fun to have a couple of dogs around and watch them interact.  Its happens everytime tho when they go back to their homes that Kalik has a puppy friend hangover.  Maybe its a little exhausted from constant play, maybe its a chance to catch up on lost sleep from having a visitor and maybe a little sadness.  I think it is likely a little bit of all.  It usually lasts a day to a day and a half but you sure can tell something is going on.