Don't be a blamey guide Part: 1


Did I just make up a word?  Blamey. . . . Don’t be a blamer. 

Wiki says


assign responsibility for a fault or wrong.

"the inquiry blamed the engineer for the accident."


hold responsible, hold accountable, condemn, accuse, find/consider guilty, assign fault/liability/guilt to, indict, point the finger at, finger, incriminate; 

I didn’t know it was really a thing until it happened to me while on a guided trip.  I had done enough of that type of fishing to realize what was happening fish-wise, but it was as if I couldn’t do any right for our guide.   I made some acceptable shots and some not so good ones, but I was well aware of what each look liked.

It was the excuses to justify our unintended result that seemed to take me further from our desired one.    Instead of maybe waiting a little bit to offer judgement or chalking it up to “these fish are just in a strange mood right now,” I was met with.  “That’s fly is no good’ or, “that tippet is too heavy” or  “I don’t like the colour of that fly line.” Add that to the “too close”, “too far”, “landing it too hard”, “YOU SPOOKED EM”, “stripping too fast”, “too slow”, “too much slack in the line”, “why didn’t you stick him” and it was quite hard on the coconut and admittedly took away from my day.

I learned a lot from this trip, not so much what to do, but what not to do. Don’t be a blamey guide. stay posted for my self-reflection.