Moose Cabbage Rolls

Thanks to the Southgate boys, my freezer is looking respectable. Moose, Elk and whitetail. Add that to the fish I have from Naden Lodge and things are ok. I had a few people over for dinner on the weekend and I decided to make some Moose cabbage rolls. Everyone likes em different and I’m sure they are not as good as grandmas but I thought they were damn good. I’ll write out a loose recipe. If you actually care and want to make em I could be more specific.


Cabbage rolls

1 medium green cabbage ( core and immerse in boiling water to loosen the leaves and trim stems out.)

1 lb of ground moose

1 cup long grain rice cooked like pilau with 21/2 cups of chicken broth and cool

2 eggs

Julienne heart of cabbage (left from when the leaves get too small)

1 diced sauteed and cooled onion

Combine cooked rice, moose, egg, julienne cabbage and onion in a bowl and mix season w salt and pepper. fry up a little patty to make sure your seasoning is right. Resist the urge to just cook it all up in little patties and the crispy rice and cabbage makes for a delicious burger patty as well.

Blanch your cabbage leaves slightly and remove the stems w a paring knife. lay them out on the counter and fill w meat mixture, roll and stack in slow cooker dish.


Sauce I have simplified this sauce pretty good now.

One onion diced and sauteed. Add one large can of Tomato sauce, fill the empty can with chicken broth and add. bring to a simmer. add 1/4 cup brown sugar and season w salt and pepper. When garlic is done roasting add to sauce and check the seasoning again.

Cover cabbage rolls with sauce in slow cooker dish and cook for 2 hours on high and shut it off. let stand till manageable heat and eat.

sooooooo good. They reheat even better the next day.
