Fridge Cleaner Pasta

Sitka Tenderloins

Threw together a little dish awhile back. We usually are pretty tuned into having stuff pulled from the freezer. We will go on short spurts of just picking a bunch of random crap out of the freezer, put it in the fridge, and eat it as we go. This evening there wasn't quite enough of one thing to make a whole dish, so I decided to do a fridge cleaner pasta. Senor2 paid me a very kind compliment one time, something to the tune of “ Aaron Can whip up a gourmet meal out of any random bits and pieces in a fridge” I do kind of enjoy cooking in that way.

I had Sitka deer tenderloins (2) this doesn't amount to a whole bunch of cooked meat, they are tiny, maybe cooked size equatable to the size of a regular smokie or a bit smaller even. We also had some BC spot prawns but not a bunch. These are a real treat for us as I don't have my saltwater boat situation sorted and have no means to gets them.

BC Spot Prawns

We tend to freeze the spot prawns we do get in small amounts because of this. There was also some spinach that was about to go, snow peas, button mushrooms and a carrot nub. None of which there was enough to make much of anything.

I seasoned the tenderloins, and hard seared them in the cast iron, removed them, and tented them. I added butter and sauteed the button mushrooms. Get a little colour on them, don't move em around too much. I then removed the mushrooms, added a chunk of butter (don’t be shy as it just turns into your sauce) and sauteed the prawns in the same pan to help deglaze. (note the cut of the prawns north/south along the back. This allows them to make a neat curl, it also spreads out the delicious bites of prawn by increasing their number by 100%) I then added the julienned the carrot, snowpea, spinach and gave a quick toss.

Shrimp curls

Add the Mushrooms back in, some cooked linguine, a little olive oil, and some salt and pepper, and it's almost ready. Just needs the thinly sliced Sitka tenderloin. No big deal really. You likely wouldn't even like it.

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