Random thoughts at the end of a long guide day. "Its not all sunshine and lollipops"

soggy day swinging

I'm tired, wet, hungry, It's pitch black, pouring, and all my gear is soaked. My day is not over tho. The bolts in my rower's seat have rattled loose and its only hanging on by one. I'm out again early in the morning and it cannot wait. I hope I have some bolts that fit. It'll just take a min tho I won't need a full on raincoat. What size is this? ahhh, screw it I'll just put that other seat on. I know I taped the bolts from it in a bag on its underside. K found it. Man, it's wet when you lean over these pontoons, batteries in the headlamp are dying. Awesome bolt pattern doesn't line up. I thought I was soaked before. Ok I know there is another seat in the garage. Wait, great. . . . different size nut and bolt. Where is my socket set now? Perfect, done, that'll do, why is it so quiet? Oh, now it stopped raining. I hope tomor is a better day.