You don't have to tell everyone. . . . . . . everything.

zip yer lipz

Everyone else gets a rant about social media and promotion, I guess this one is mine. Fisheries everywhere are getting busier. Social media has changed the game. Flyfishing is so accessible now the learning curve is a lot easier to ascend for someone new to angling. Fishermen/women, guides, outfitters, lodges and even products are now being measured on their Instagram feed, fishing report, or their stupid Blogs hahaha. I try to not get caught up in it too much. I think there is a fish or two. . . somewhere on my IG feed. Historically when I think of my best posts (or the ones I like the best) they are the ones where people must say " WTF has he done now ??" Like the time I jammed the #2 streamer hook through my finger at 6:30 in the am.

hook removal

Truth be told, I find it extremely difficult to not post some of the awesome things that happen while fishing, guiding, or living. It's hard not to tell people about the cool places that you explore, a badass trip or other angling achievements. Its a lot harder to be secretive for me than it is to share. I think it is our nature to share. Don't get me wrong I do share, but there is and always will be an inner circle that has info beyond what I ever say or show in person, on Instagram, or here. There has to be a balance. When things get out of Balance cool stuff is no longer cool. It doesn't take too many people on your same program to throw a hitch in it.

Just last night I was on the google machine, and something caught my eye about a system that I've been meaning to check out. It was an outfitters website, and They explained in a reasonable amount of detail (far beyond what any client of theirs would need to know, or likely care about ) several sections of a river, where the put ins and takeouts are, which fishes best and what time of year, when and what section holds the big doggies. Of course, there are going to be intricacies and little stuff that it would take time to figure out, but I already have enough information, desire, equiptment, and knowledge now to go there and be somewhat effective. The crazy part is the same people who posted all this great info will probably be saying "Where did this guy come from? and why is he here this is mine, mine, mine." I guess all I can say is that loose lips . . . . . . . wreck your fishing spots.

Its hypocritical of me to say anything tho as well. I have a website. I have this Blog, I am on the InstaJam, I am a promoter, and this makes me torn. Iā€™d like to think that I have found adequate balance.