Feelgood Friday


Well, yesterday’s post shook things up. I received quite a bit of feedback about it, and it has been one of my most read posts in the last month. Maybe it was my handsome face that filled the screen of your Instagram feed. Perhaps it was the catchy caption that made everyone wonder if I was talking about them. I wouldn't say that I was talking about anyone in particular but just hoping that people might think twice before they post some stuff. Although I wouldn't say it had a negative connotation, that's about as far as I like to go in that direction. It's too easy to fall into that negativity trap. Back when I started the original Chronicles, I promised myself that I would keep the scales tipped towards the positive side. Honestly tho, over time I found the controversial, negative, or otherwise unpleasant topics seem to have more reads than the sappy feelgood ones that I often write and I am not sure why any ideas?

I have a folder full of unpublished writings that went to the darkside on me, and they may die there although I know they would be some of the most popular. It would be easy to write a blog and just bag on new fishermen, bad fishermen, bad drivers, terrible customer service, people who park their truck and trailer shitty, leaky waders, poorly tied flies, poor fishing etiquette, and other things that suck.

In a way, the two things strangely relate yet contradict each other.

I have to work at not sharing all the good meaty stuff that is happening in life. To give up the goods on that tho would cause a whole string of adverse events (yet undoubtedly be more popular amongst readers). I also have to work at keeping the blog on a positive vibe and not always post the stuff written by the guy on my left shoulder. Even tho it would be better received and more popular amongst readers, causing more traffic on the site, a tremendous spike in business, and substantial corporate sponsorships so that I can retire and they can keep me writing fulltime.

It is more work, yes, but It allows me to feel good about what I am doing and hold myself to a standard of which I can be proud.

On the sappy feel-good side. Here is a picture of some of the cutest puppies in the world. They are "Potcakes" from the Bahamas (just like the cutest puppy on the planet) and have been adopted to the US. Liz Fincher @loveandrelease on the IG has helped find these puppies find homes in the US. If you are looking for a "cutest puppy in the world" clone, there are lots of dogs that need adoption down there.


One more sappy note. Here is a link to a great song that KK has branded my "happy" song. I listen to it alot. Take a minute when you have the time. Watch it, listen to it, I love the dancing kids and the Japanese Elvis. Four guys out riding around on bikes making people smile. . . . . . Its brilliant, the world needs more of this. If this doesn't make you smile a little you better give me a call so I can cheer you up. Have a great Friday. Be watching for my post tomorrow about W.A.S.L.