It's been a minute
With almost 8 months passing since my last blog post, I figured it was time to get something up.
It's been a year. COVID, heatwaves, low water, high water, recreational Steelhead fishery closures etc. etc. I've made it to the off-season in one piece and I'm still here.
My Christmas newsletter went out yesterday. If you arent receiving these newsletters, you should sign up for them. Exactly how I'm not sure, but I know that if you visit the site, it will often prompt you to 'sign up for the newsletter." if that doesn't work, send me an email through the site or to and I'll enter you manually.
Currently, I'm back home in Nova Scotia for the holidays and looking forward to the break. I don't have a bunch of stuff written and ready but it usually takes this boot in the arse to get things flowing. I know I have a few ideas for some product reviews over the next bit, so maybe I'll start there.
For now, I will choose a few favourite photos from each month with some small descriptions to get you up to date. Here goes with April.
Jason Hamilton came from Northern Sask during a period of high water and scratched out this beauty on his last day.
Lower Skeena on a perfect day. high cloud, no wind and good eats from Pioneer Butchery and Charcuterie.
It’s not all Bluebird days and T-shirts when you’re fishing for Spring Steel.
Brendan and his first steelhead to hand.
Beaver MITTS
Good Friend Brent Davis braved COVID and drove from NLFD to fish the Skeena. On his way he found these sweet beaver mitts in Northern Ont. and gifted them to me.