July/August 2021 in review.

Morning Caddis in the Tall grass at “Must be Nice”

July, like many years, started with high water. I walked right into the middle of a heat wave. Luckily with the high flows the water temops remained good. The Bow river didn't disappoint tho. I found the Stonefly fishing this year underwhelming, but part of that could be me trying to relive the past. We adjust well to the fishing improving but not quite as well to when it gets more difficult. It's very challenging for us to lower the bar. The leech and streamer fishing was excellent as usual in July.

Rowing into MacKinnon’s flats after a fun filled day w Melinda and Kelsey

Towards the end of the month, the water temps became worrisome. The temps crept up into the high 60s and even above 70 temps were recorded. Extra care was essential in the form of Hours of operation, where you fished, how you fought and released fish and when to say when.

Moose Skulls make great wasp condos. There were an lot of wasps on the river this summer. Surprisingly i was only stung once.

This summer had the longest sustained period without significant rain that I have experienced in many years, Five weeks total. Luckily we had a good snowpack that got us through the toughest periods.

I’ve been friends w Neil (left) for well over a decade. I’ve heard many stories of his brother Paul (right) Finally we all got together for a day in early July. Paul is primarily a Lake fisherman but was impressed with our river. The Bow gave up the goods this day.

A male Golden Stonefly that was trespassing in my boat out infront of camp.

Jim longtime friend, guest , and now camp cook on a nice July morning.

Lunches remain a big part of each day aboard my boat. Still crushing the lunch game with the help of the guys at Pioneer Butchery and Charcuterie Co. The fishing is going to be what it isa but the lunch will always be amazing.

Stonefly transitioned into Hopper fishing maybe a little sooner than usual. I'm always confused if they are earting it as a Stonefly, cranefly or Hopper during this period. I don't care too much tho as long as they eat it.

These Little purple dudes did some of the heavy lifting this summer for hopper patterns

As small blip ion the road in Mid August when my truck died on me (luckily at the end of the day) thanks to the generous support of my friends and peers, I was up and running again quick enough to guide the next morning.

The Late summer Spey Camp is always a nice way to wrap up the summer season. I spent a fair bit of personal time down at the camp this summer which was nice

Dave relaxin’ in the boat during a Spey Camp lesson Late August.

At the end of July I made my migration (as usual rushed heavily loaded) back west to head to the Babine for the fall season.